Today’s investments:
Nashville ML +142 / estimate +125 / wager $300
New Jersey ML -189 / estimate -238 / wager $300
NY Islanders -0.5 +106 / estimate -115 / wager $300
Ottawa -1.5 +124 / estimate +106 / wager $300
Nsh - Anh Under 4.5 +110 / estimate -132 / wager $100
NJ - Tor Under 5 +100 / estimate -130 / wager $100
Phi - Cls Under 5 +118 / estimate -115 / wager $100
Was - Fla Under 5 -103 / estimate -132 / wager $100
Click here for Mathemagician’s detailed track record and more information for NHL 2002-2003
Mathemagician’s analysis is based on many years experience of odds making in NHL and other sports. Methods used in odds making process include careful pre-season analysis, continuous measuring of each teams abilities using power ratings and considering the daily news in each individual game.
The pre-season analysis includes mathematical and statistical analysis and determination of the changes caused by the transactions. The power rating database is always updated after each game and every published estimate is adjusted to consider injuries, fatigue caused by the schedule, different motivations and many other factors.
The pick is profitable in the long run only if the current price is higher than the estimate. Otherwise the bet is not worth placing.
Nashville ML +142 / estimate +125 / wager $300
New Jersey ML -189 / estimate -238 / wager $300
NY Islanders -0.5 +106 / estimate -115 / wager $300
Ottawa -1.5 +124 / estimate +106 / wager $300
Nsh - Anh Under 4.5 +110 / estimate -132 / wager $100
NJ - Tor Under 5 +100 / estimate -130 / wager $100
Phi - Cls Under 5 +118 / estimate -115 / wager $100
Was - Fla Under 5 -103 / estimate -132 / wager $100
Click here for Mathemagician’s detailed track record and more information for NHL 2002-2003
Mathemagician’s analysis is based on many years experience of odds making in NHL and other sports. Methods used in odds making process include careful pre-season analysis, continuous measuring of each teams abilities using power ratings and considering the daily news in each individual game.
The pre-season analysis includes mathematical and statistical analysis and determination of the changes caused by the transactions. The power rating database is always updated after each game and every published estimate is adjusted to consider injuries, fatigue caused by the schedule, different motivations and many other factors.
The pick is profitable in the long run only if the current price is higher than the estimate. Otherwise the bet is not worth placing.